Sometime back a friend suggested that why do not I write about small technical hacks/problems which I encounter and manage to solve, as part of my website-hosting drill. Whether it is related to WordPress, PlugIns, MySql or general web-server config things, ranging from redirection to .htaccess to what not.
So here’s a small thing which I did. Interestingly it was hard to find the solution, though there is simple configruation which I finally discovered and it works. Hope this is useful. I am also sharing the context here, on why I had to find a way to solve this.
Just like all the other million blogs, we also have an E-mail subscription service at We use MailChimp (disclaimer : if you click and sign-up for a paid program I get something in return). It been going well with Mailchimp.
In one of the recent WPBeginner blogpost, they covered all the smart ways to get more leads viz. emails sign-ups. One of the methods was to use a ‘Call to Action’ button at Facebook.
Ghumakkar has a FB page ( and we have 85K odd fans/followers. So I thought that I must add this button, allowing readers to quickly sign-up for our once in a week email.
And then I discovered that If I could only find that button. I did a lot of search, read posts but no luck. It was frustrating since everyone said that it is there but it was NOT there on my page.
I infact looked at a solution posted by someone at FB but no, it doesn’t work
FB and WPBeginner and everyone is asking me to click a button, only if I could find it.
So, if you are like, then read for another couple of minutes and hopefully you would get rewarded with this button on your FB page.
I want to add a button on my Facebook page. FB tells me to look for a button which says ‘Add a Button’. I looked everywhere but can not find it.
1. Go to your page and click ‘Settings’. You would see something like this

2. Click ‘Edit Settings’

3. And choose ‘Business’ as your new Template.
And Voila, refresh your page a few times or just restart your browser and you would see the shiny, blue, “Add a Button” button.

Hope this was useful. If it worked for you, then please leave a comment. If there are other small issues which I can help solve, do not hesitate to mention.
Hello, I tried what you said about the add a button. changed to business page, refreshed many times, closed browser, reopened and still not there. I’ve tried everything. all I want is the shop now button so it goes direct to my website. I’m lost, HELP
Oops. I did a lot of reading but could not find much, finally this trick worked for me.
I did everything you suggested and it did not fix the problem for me either. Please help!
Sorry Joy. It worked for me and since I could see that this bug has not good solution so I just shared what worked for me. If something else works for you, then please update it here, for the benefit of other readers. Thanks much.