Strings Bar, Sector – 61, Noida – Avoid

Noida, the small and happening suburb of Delhi is catching up fast with its big brother Delhi for its night life. Infact it has the only all-night club in India, The Elevate. But still it would be a while when it really surpasses Delhi in its offerings. One area where Noida is coming up well is that it has lot of these new age Malls. In this post, I would briefly write a small review of a Bar in one such Mall. The mall is called ‘Shoprix’ and is in sector-61. Incidentally the first Bar which opened here was about 10 months back (Eden). The only other eating joint where you can get wet is called ‘Strings’. Its on 2nd floor, just outside of ‘Bowling Alley’. I have been there few times before but we only had Beer so we really didn’t venture much to know enough to write a review. I was sort of satisfied on those occasions. But here’s a review with more details and some pics.

Strings is a well lit, clean and airy place and serves Indian and Chinese cuisine. The Bar is right in the centre and acts as a good divider between the two sections. The seats are comfortable, no high stools for the bar though. The color profile of the interior has been kept light and that is definitely helpful for those who dread going to dark-n-blue bars. Now comes the main thing. Here’s what the Bar Menu looks like.

If you look hard, you would notice that enough creative juices has been put into the designing the menu, especially the names. The one called ‘No Idea’ is actually a pun on one of India’s leading telecom service provider called ‘Idea Cellular’ and their slogan is ‘An Idea can change your life’. So far so good.

Here’s what the Bar looks like

Now comes the real story. After lot of debating and brooding when we chose our drinks, we were told that there are no cock-tails. Wow. How can that happen. When we recovered from shock and asked whether we can get a Chivas or a Old Monk, we were again told the same thing. So whatever was there in the menu was not available. The hard part was that the flunkie who was taking our orders was least bothered. When we finally asked that what all he has, then he couldn’t come up with more then few things. They had RC, Blender’s Pride, Antiquity, Bacardi white rum and Foster’s Beer. I have a better collection at my home. How on earth, you plan to survive with that kind of stock. And probably you are cheating people when you show them a menu card which is ir-relevant. There could be good-enough reasons , say the bartender played truant on the last moment but we didn’t see any attempt on part of either the manager or the steward to explain us the situation. It was very funny to look at the steward who had the look of ‘take-it-or-leave-it’. It was a group of 10 and it meant good business.

We stayed for few more moments and decided to leave. No one seems to stop us or ask us on why we are doing whatever we are doing. It was a total damp-squib. I am not usually very harsh and if you read it so far you would have noticed that I said good things about them. Another good thing is that incase they do have cock-tails then the prices are pretty reasonable. A LIT under Rs 200 is a good buy any day.

So avoid if you can but if you just want to have few Beers over some spiced chicken or chill potatoes then it might work for you. If you do visit then come back and write a comment on your experience.

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