Ghumakkar – 5 steps towards writing your FIRST story

Sometime back, I wrote a post on ‘Write a Story at Ghumakkar’ and it was found helpful. As we dug more about the need and the feedback, we realized that the post is a little advanced for a newbie. By the time, folks write a couple of stories they tend to then follow the stuff in the post and that was definitely not our intention. We wanted to write a post for newbies.

So here’s a fresh re-attempt (that sounds like an oxymoron) and there is an emphasis on ‘First Story’ part. Read on and let me know whether this makes sense and I would update it based on what I hear back.

5 Steps towards writing your FIRST story at Ghumakkar

1. Visit Ghumakkar and click on ‘Register’, just under the top photo.

2. Once you give your e-mail address, first name, last name etc you would need to check your Inbox and click on the link to complete the registration process. Once that is done, go to the home page and scroll down. You would notice a Login box in the left panel. Supply your username and pwd and click ‘Login’.

3. Then let the page reload and click dashboard. This is your writing-desk/study. Get familiar with the surroundings. It might appear a little overwhelming initially but trust me, If I can find my way around , anyone can.

4. Clicking ‘Add New’ would open your notebook. Write and Save.

5. Mark it as ‘Pending Review’ after you are finished writing.

You are Done. Yeah, I am not kidding.

At Ghumakkar, we are constantly looking at posts under ‘Pending Review’ and we would get back to you promptly and mentor/guide you on

– How to put the ‘more’ tag
– Uploading and affixing pics
– Scheduling your stories
– Putting right categories/Tags
– Attaching Map
– Getting you a gravatar/profile-picture

So go ahead and write your First story now.

3 Replies to “Ghumakkar – 5 steps towards writing your FIRST story”

  1. I am writing a post on Ghumakkar and want to add pictures to it. Can u please explain me the procedure to add picture to my story.

    Money S

  2. How do I delete any comments made by me on any post.
    There were multiple comments on a post which I want to delete.
    I’ve searched everywhere but I did not find any help.


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